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DIY Yarn Wrapped Glass Vase

Transform a glass jar into a chic statement piece with this easy DIY yarn-wrapping technique.

What you’ll need: 
A glass jar or clean tin 
Hot glue gun 
Jute twine (natural or coloured, or a combination of both) 

What to do: 
Plan out the pattern for how you want your twine to cover the vase. 
Heat up your hot glue gun. When it’s ready, apply a line of glue to the bottom of your jar and press in the end of your twine. Let it set before beginning the next step. 
Wrap the twine tightly around your vase, working from the bottom up. When you’re finished with that colour or have achieved the height of twine you want, cut the twine and apply another thin line of glue to secure it to the glass. 
Repeat steps two and three with each new colour of twine you want to use.

Top Tip
You only need to apply enough glue to allow the twine to adhere to the glass surface. Excess glue will be visible once hardened.

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